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Anja Steensig is a Danish mystic mediating Gods Love through writing, speaking and mentoring. For more than a decade she was one of the best-known tv- and radio personalities in Denmark. Hosting her own talk show as well as almost every other kind of tv-entertainment, she was voted best female tv-host during her career. In 2011 she fell into a deep depression that changed her life forever. After 6 months in painful darkness, she reentered the world completely transformed. Her heart had been blasted opened and she found herself in a state of pure unconditional Love, where she suddenly saw everything from a perspective of Love. She knew, that she was no longer in charge of her own life, but a servant of something infinitely bigger. As she surrendered into the loving guidance she received, life took her on a 7-year journey to learn and grow further into the experience and understanding of God expressed as Love, before she began passing on the wisdom she received. She represents a new Nordic Mystic approach to spirituality, where everything but the pure and simple connection directly to God is stripped away. Uncomplicated, undogmatic and solely focused on how we can bring Gods Love more fully into our lives and into the world. The simple and honest non-religious spirituality in devoted service to God.
You can learn more about Anja on her website: