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Britta Hedén is an author and motivational speaker from Sweden. She shares ancient and spirituall wisdom in her books « THE INCA PORTAL, THRU TIME AND SPACE », « ARTIC PORTAL, THE SAMIC FORCE FROM THE NORTH ». In her life she has have been clearly guided to visit interesting places and to meet people with knowledge to share. As a chemist and behavioral scientist it’s been a life changing journey for Britta to go from the science field and in to the magic of the spiritual world. She has extensively studied the ancient civilizations that was the inspiration to her books. Through travels, other litteratureS and with help from spirit guides the books were written. Nature gives her the inspiration and the energy to follow her mission. Her first book is about the Inca in Peru, the second book is about the Sami people in northern scandinavia and she is now working on her third book thats about the Mongolian old traditions. Her mission is to spread the hidden or forgotten knowledge of the cultures and the shamanic traditions in fiction books to a group of readers that normally doesnt know about the shamanic traditions.

You can learn more about Britta on her website and Facebook:


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