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Céline Hervé-Bazin is a creative publisher, both writer and healer. She offers healing exchanges, introductory learning practices and approaches to shamanism, oracle decks and books dedicated to sacred practices. She is also the author of several books and scientific articles on water, being a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences specializing in communication codes around this resource. Consultant, speaker, teacher, and expert for more than ten years, her life changed in 2016 when she revealed her abilities as a healer in Tahiti where she resided for seven years. She shares some keys, experiences, and stories in “I am MANAific. Introduce yourself to Mana, the sacred Polynesian energy”; “The Power of Mana”, “L’Oracle du Mana” and “L’Oracle of Vaiana” published by Véga / Guy Trédaniel. She wrote and self-published a book on water shamanism and the birth chart as well as two oracle deck on “Rugby, a sacred oval force” and “Love potions: 53 cards to trust yourself”. She now opens herself to spiritual path and awareness in Morocco where she grew up.
You can learn more about Céline on her website: