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Dana Cannetto is the founder and creator of The Luminary Woman™ where she helps soul-led emerging female light leaders uncover and embody the next incarnation of their soul's purpose & live in alignment with their sacred self so they can feel alive and thrive in all areas of their life. She takes a stand for…. Every woman experiencing the freedom and wealth she is here to experience by giving themselves permission to embody their fullest expression, seen in their deeper gifts, and embrace the leader within to fulfill their legacy. As a Woman… Who has been through her own rites of passage towards embodying her deeper purpose and reclaiming her feminine, there is nothing that brings her greater joy than watching a woman emerge in her highest light and create a greater impact in her life and the world around her. Her background is in Core and Celtic Shamanism, Somatic Facilitation, Feminine Embodiment, Mediumship, Trauma informed Somatic therapy, Priestess Initiation, Sacred Depths Facilitation and the creator of a Shamanic based healing modality called Revival Dance and yet it's been through her innate abilities as a "Seer" and a "Knower" of the divine within each person that has allowed her to create the level of transformation in women's lives all over the world.

You can learn more about Dana on her website:


CLICK HERE “The first two Modules of VITALITY and the Guide to Aligned Living and Embodied Purpose”