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Crow is the founder of Shamanic Voyages. He has been involved with shamanism to various degrees since the mid 1970's, and began training formally with both Michael Harner and don Agustin Rivas Vasquez the mid 1990's. He has worked with shamans in North, South and Central America, as well as Asia and Europe. His teaching practice is primarily of core shamanism, but has been influenced by his exposure to a variety of other shamanic cultures and initiations. Crow has included sweatlodges, drumming workshops and healing services in his shamanic practice. He is active in the international environmentalist group Sacred Earth Activism and is an ambassador for the Shamans Directory. He also produces medicine tools such as natural hide hand drums, rattles and smudge fans. He is an Amazon trained curandero, a legally ordained minister, a Harner Shamanic Counselor and has completed many other advanced trainings offered by both traditional and contemporary shamans.

You can learn more about Crow on his website:


EMAIL Crow: “The first 3 people to email Crow will receive a 1 hour shamanic free session”