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Nathalie Frossard has been traveling the world for more than 30 years. She is curious about cultural traditions related to nature. Graduated from ESSEC MBA in 1997, in 2007 she founded the Non-for-Profit Organization “Plante et Planète” which works to renew the connection between humans and plants through educational tools, workshops and conferences. After multiple exchanges with many wise elders and holders of traditional knowledge on the five continents, and especially having learned a lot from the plants themselves, she founded Phytoki (treatments, courses, workshops, coaching). She also created Biopresence in 2016, working as an ally of plants for the evolution of all. She organizes the French-speaking online summit “L’Amour des plantes”.
You can learn more about Nathalie on her website:
CLICK HERE “ A guided Journey to meet with a Plant Ally and how to receive the Message from its Roots“