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Ohki Forest is a vision-holder of Canadian Mohawk descent living in Chiapas, Mexico since 1986 where she collaborates with indigenous Mayas through her charitable organization, Red Wind Councils. Trained & initiated by Mongolian shamans, Native & Maya Medicine people, Ohki was admitted in the traditional Mohawk Long House at Kahnawake, CA in the 80’s. She has taught Earth Ways, ancient Women’s practices & Spiritual Warrior/ess trainings for over 35 years. She has successfully led at distance hundreds of seekers in Vision Quest process for the past 3 decades. She is the author of Dreaming the Council Ways: True Native Teachings from the Red Lodge. In the past 35 years, Ohki has offered widely acclaimed presentations at the Esalen Institute, Bioneers in CA, MA Vedanta Center, Tesuque Pueblo’s Seed Sovereignty conferences & Unitarian Churches, Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM, & at the 2012 conference Wisdom from the Origins: The Mayan Calendar with the 13 Grandmothers. Her sacred wisdom & profound spiritual knowledge have brought guidance & inspiration to thousands. In 2020, Ohki was honored with the prestigious Eagle Feather Award from the Society for Shamanic Practice for her lifelong dedication to imparting original Native shamanic ways to people of all backgrounds.

You can learn more about Ohki on her websites:


CLICK HERE to access “Transforming Humanity's Shadows”

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