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Doctor Roberta Pughe is a New Jersey licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Contemporary Shaman, Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher (KRI), Gestalt Psychotherapist and facilitator of contemplative embodiment experiences, practicing in Princeton, NJ, since 1986, (38 years). Her passion is to ‘play’ in the exploration of relatedness with the sacred mysteries, encompassing states of ecstasy and bliss through shamanic states of consciousness. Roberta finds that this path offers access to deep and permanent healing and that through these practices, intimate dialogue and direct revelation with the soul realm can be achieved and applied to daily life. She is the author of 2 books: ‘Resurrecting Eve’ (2007) and ‘Body as Sanctuary for Soul’ (2015) and writing her third book now about Embodiment called ‘House of Worship’.
You can learn more about Dr Roberta Website and Facebook: