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Tricia Bennett comes from a lineage of European healers who taught her to listen to Spirit and follow instruction, that we are not separate from nature, and that most all of the wisdom we seek is already within us. An addiction and trauma specialist by trade, now in her 40th year of practice, Tricia has supported generations of children, young people and adults of all ages to move from suffering to joy, to pursue their dreams, and to live lives that they truly love. She believes that healing is possible no matter what our histories have been, and that if we are paying attention, we almost always get a second chance at everything. Today, the purpose of her practice is to serve those working in the healing professions; the medical, mental health, alternative, integrative, and shamanic earth-based healers and teachers who take care of us all. Self care is not a luxury for healers, it is essential. If we are to serve with peaceful hearts, we must maintain healthy, balanced lives — and the world needs us now, more than ever to remain clear, expansive vessels for healing. Tricia is a founding member of Shamans Directory, an online global platform dedicated to bringing shamanic earth-based services to the world’s doorstep. Together we are powerful medicine.™️
You can learn more about Tricia and her team’s website:
CLICK HERE “ Shamans Directory Youtube Library of Inspiring and Powerful Interviews”